Because civility in public discourse and the ability of people to listen to one another and treat each other with courtesy are essential to a viable democracy and should be increased for everyone’s mutual benefit; and

    Because the level of civic literacy - knowledge of the structure of the United States government and its history and understanding of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship - should be increased; and

    Because we wish to defend and protect these rights in order to promote a More Perfect Union and the self-evident truths recognized by our nation’s Founders - that each of us is created equal and endowed with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness;

    1. Endorses the mission of United We Stand: Civility, Citizenship, and the Constitution to raise the levels of civic literacy and civility in our community of Orange County and eventually across the nation; and

    2. Commits to identify resources and opportunities consistent with mission and goals to advance raising the levels of civility and civic literacy within our organization and the greater community of Orange County; and

    3. Pledges to show courtesy to others, encourage productive dialogue, and model
    civility in public and private actions.